Saturday, June 20, 2009

Okay so I am really bad at this blogging stuff but I am going to try my best to stay on top of it. So I have been in Abu Dhabi for almost two weeks now and it has been really fun so far.

This is a picture of the office.

This is the view of our apt. You can see the Corinche (the beach) and the Emirate Palace (a 7-star Hotel we are going to check it out today...I am going to bring a hammer because supposedly there is gold everywhere)

This is my new commute...not bad.

My room

My new co-workers/best friend. We are forced to spent 40 + hours together and then every other waking moment as well ... good thing they are hella cool.

(the Miami-ian with the perfect hair....haha ok he is from Spain he would kill me if I told everyone he was from Miami)

Elizabeth (she is from NY and "knows how to get Sh*t done")

So the first day of work G, E, and I went to Al Ain for a site visit to get some information on this proposal we were writing. Al Ain is about 1.5 hours East for Abu Dhabi and in the middle of the desert and HOT.

That is right 47 degree C which is 117 degrees F...but it was a dry heat so it really wasn't that bad...basically it felt like we were in an oven...awesome.
The desert sand and landscape is beautiful!

We took a little trip to the Marina Mall and you can see part of the Abu Dhabi's skyline.
(Holy flags Batman)

We also hit the town our first weekend too. We were seriously out for 10 hours...
(Don't mind the random dude on the right he was in love with
Elizabeth and wouldn't get out of the picture)

I don't even know what time it is but I am done.


the walker family said...

YAY i love Abu Dhabi. I'm your first comment. I love your sexay shirt.

The Giddings said...

I agree, cute shirt. The pictures you take are SO amazingly beautiful. Maybe you can take some family photos for me....but I'm not paying. Yeah, I'm one step ahead of you.

Unknown said...

whit.. looks awesome! howcome everytime i go on skype you are not there.!?!?
im going on just for you, you know!?. lol

btw, i need a blog space... can you maintain one for me as well? lol jk

Unknown said...

WHIT. love the bangs. Yeeeeyyyy!
I love the random in the pic. Hilarious. They do that to us all the time out here. BTW, sick PAD. I like your tv. hahaha.
Your coworkers seem nice. However, I can't believe how hot it is out here. DAMN GINA!
Pls keep posting because we all want to know that you're ok. Love you. Miss you, too! Chau.

Unknown said...

First off, Gorka is HOT. (I hope he doesn't accidentally read this, that would be super embarrassing.)

Second off, that yellow shirt is HOT.

Third, the weather there is also HOT.

I have deductively reasoned that everything in Abu Dhabi is HOT.

Jane Morris said...

LOVE IT....about time. Don't you have a sweater for that yellow dress? I can knit you one!

Unknown said...

whitty, looks like all is going well! i think of you everytime i see a tennis ball. miss you girl. oh and love your headline...xo

keep the updates coming por favor and si vous plait.

Unknown said...

So I know has been going on since ur last post. Come on, I wanna see!!!
Meess you.

About Me

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San Francisco, CA, United States
I live and work in San Francisco but am currently on a short term assignment in Abu Dhabi, UAE. If you want to know more call me.